PT. Gas Depo InduServicesstry Menyediakan jasa service High Gas Pressure Installation , Purging Pipe , Tank & Bulk , Distribution , Project Supervisory & Consultation , Cradle Rack Rigging , Pipeline &  Marine Underwater Service , Construction and Installation of Filling Station , Hydrostatic Test Cylinder , Fire & Safety Equipment.

Jasa Service sudah dipakai oleh perusahaan Heavy and Light Indusry , Oil & Mining Company , Hospital , Research Entities , Building , Logistic, dll.

Kami memberikan quality, quantity, time & value yang sangat memuaskan.


Untuk pemesanan jasa service, segera hubungi PT. Gas Depo Industryabout-us

Call Center : 08179867722


Purging Pipe, Tanker, Bulk & Tank1





Fire and Safety Equipment1